7. Unsent Letters

This can be a very therapeutic exercise. If you have resentment or anger or really any negative emotions towards a person or a situation, write it down in letter form! Being able to get those feelings out on paper is so cathartic, and good for the soul. Even if your pain isn’t directed at a particular person, you can still write a, “Dear Illness/job loss/fill-in-the-blank” letter. Just make sure to keep this notebook well-hidden!

8. Bullet Journal

With bullet journaling, you can make your own month-to-month, week-to-week, day-to-day calendar. AND you can add in whatever you want. One of my goals for this year is to be more aware of my mood and sleep patterns. So, each week I included a little mood & sleep tracker. I also want to keep track of how much water I drink (it’s never enough), so some weeks have a water tracker for each day. Do you love doodling? Add a page (or 10) for free space. Are you super organized? Plan every page. Are you more of a free, creative spirit? Freestyle your calendar! Do you want to be more thankful? Add a gratefulness page! See all of our ideas in this video and get inspired to start your own bullet journal today!