You’ll Never Guess What He Turns This Skateboard Into!

This talented artist has developed a unique way to give old boards new life.

9. Assemble the Blade

Start by dismantling another knife, with the blade you want to use. Remember to save the screws! Find the desired axis of the knife and blade, and mark the spot with a pencil. Drill a pilot hole, then drill a shallow and wide hole so the screws sit flush with the wood. Finally, drill a narrow hole completely through the handle.

Next, pry open the handle and take off the strips of tape. Insert the blade and screw it in.

Make a template for the spacer by tracing out the blade onto a piece of tape attached to a spare piece of micarta. Cut out the spacer and attach to the inside of the knife handle with glue on both sides. Clamp down and dry. Sand down edges when completely dry.

Finish With Teak Oil

Admire your handiwork.

Oooooh yeah.

Nailed it.

See how it’s made in the video below! Filmed on location at ALTSpace. Don’t forget to check out all of the finished products available at Made By Skateboarding!