15 Easy Tips To Help You Enjoy Comfort Food Without The Guilt!

Can we bask in the delight of warm, gooey comfort food season AND eat healthfully at the same time? Yes. Yes we can.

#9 Sub omega-3 eggs for regular eggs. Omega-3 eggs are produced by hens fed a special vegetarian diet that includes plant material, grains, flaxseed and sometimes, even seaweed. Omega-3-enriched eggs also provide about 1/3 less saturated fat and slightly less cholesterol than non-enriched eggs.

#10 Add in instead of subtract. Throw in a few tablespoons of ground flax meal or chopped walnuts when making your muffin batter.

#11 Broth instead of cream. If your taste buds could go either way, choose the broth-based soup rather than the cream based-soup.