15 Easy Tips To Help You Enjoy Comfort Food Without The Guilt!

Can we bask in the delight of warm, gooey comfort food season AND eat healthfully at the same time? Yes. Yes we can.

Change the fat

Some people don’t mind the taste of low-fat ingredients like low-fat sour cream or cheese. What we need to keep in mind is that to compensate for lowering the flavor by lowering the fat, these products usually have more salt or sugar or both. What we know now about heart health and dietary fat is that it’s the type of fat that matters more than the quantity. Unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated and trans fats, so looking for opportunities to swap an unsaturated fat – like canola oil or olive oil – for a saturated or mixed (unsaturated and saturated) fat – like vegetable oil – is a heart-healthy move that won’t sacrifice flavor.

Other ideas for changing up the fat content in your winter recipes:

#6 Instead of sour cream, try using 2% plain greek yogurt.

You’ll be shocked at how similar they taste, and the greek yogurt is so much healthier for you! This is a win-win health tip.

#7 Replace butter. Try substituting 3/4 tablespoon canola oil for every 1 tablespoon butter.

#8 Replace heavy cream. Instead of heavy cream, use low fat or fat-free evaporated milk. You could also use 1/2 cup plain yogurt plus 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese in place of 1 cup of heavy cream. If the recipe calls for whole milk or regular cream, you can replace with 1 cup low fat milk + 1 tablespoon canola oil.