Fake Fruit

Via Flickr|K-Bot

I never quite understood this particular decor trend, though my mother certainly seemed to believe in it! I remember pinching those rubbery fake grapes… and then wiping off my dusty fingers on the nearest piece of furniture. I remember one bowl of fake fruit in particular – it was plastic fruit that had a bunch of small glass beads glued to the outside. I think it was supposed to look like dew on the fruit, but it really just looked like an apple dipped in cheap plastic.

Plaid Furniture

Via Flickr|Joe Shlabotnik

These days, plaid might be fine for a shirt, but we wouldn’t think about upholstering our furniture with it, or getting plaid carpet, or sticking plaid wallpaper to the walls. Back in the 70s, it was totally the fad to do all three of things at once. As you can imagine (or might remember) the effect of plaid on plaid on plaid was quite disorienting.