10 Cleaning Tips You Wish You Knew About Sooner

Baseboards, microwaves, charred pans, and everything in between.

Remove Scratches From Wood Furniture

It seems like no matter how careful you are, wood furniture and flooring tends to get a little beat up over the years. Nothing drives me crazier than an unsightly scratch right in the middle of an otherwise beautiful piece of furniture; so we were thrilled to find this simple fix!

Clean The Microwave In 5 Minutes

If you’re anything like me, you swear you’re going to clean it out tomorrow night, or maybe the night after that. This week is actually pretty busy, but maybe you’ll pencil in some deep cleaning next month. The excuses stop today! With this method of cleaning the microwave, you’ll be done in 5 minutes.

DIY Dusting Spray

By mixing a few ordinary household products with a few drops of essential oil for fragrance you end up with your own, all-natural cleaning spray. We particularly enjoy citrus oils for the fresh and super clean scent it leaves behind! Get the instructions here!