How To Clean A Disastrous Microwave In 5 Minutes
I bet it takes you longer to read this post than to clean your microwave with this simple method!
It’s a familiar scene: crusty marinara sauce in the corners, soggy peas jammed in the turntable wheels, some mystery substance that has fused with the side of the microwave and is now integral to the structure of the appliance; and don’t even get me started on the smell. If you’re anything like me, you swear you’re going to clean it out tomorrow night, or maybe the night after that. This week is actually pretty busy, but maybe you’ll pencil in some deep cleaning next month.
The excuses stop today! With this method of cleaning the microwave, you’ll be done in 5 minutes. In fact, I bet it takes you longer to read this post than it does to clean your microwave. The best part is that it doesn’t use harsh chemicals! Go ahead and try this easy cleaning hack and let us know if it worked for you!
Looking for more ways to get the kitchen clean? Check out this list of all natural cleaning tips!
– 1/2 C water
– 1/2 C white vinegar
– Microwave safe bowl
– Sponge
1. Place water and vinegar in a bowl and microwave on high until mixture comes to a rolling boil, and the window steams up.
2. Let everything sit for a few minutes, then wipe everything down with a sponge.
Tip: If you’re not a fan of the vinegar smell, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the vinegar before microwaving.
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