These Classic Quilt Blocks Have A Hidden Message

I had no idea these blocks had such significant meanings!

Shoofly Block

Via Pinterest

Similar to the Log Cabin block, the Shoofly block communicated that the people in that home were allies, and they would do whatever they could in their power to help in the fight against slavery, and to make sure those on the Underground Railroad had safe passage. Again, this not only helped with the physical needs and protection of the slaves, but it helped boost morale in knowing they were not alone. They had a network of people who wanted them to get to freedom.

Bowtie (Hourglass) Block

Via Flickr | MissMessy

As the name Bowtie might suggest, this block was all about clothing. Escaped slaves had tattered and worn out clothes, thus making them easier to spot and single out as slaves, versus free black people. If an escaped slave saw this quilt block, they knew the people in the house were willing and able to give escaped slaves new clothing to help them blend in with the free black people. It may seem like a small thing, but every detail really counted and every act of kidness was absolutely necessary.