Beginner’s Basics: How To Keep Your Blocks Trim And Tidy!

Just starting to quilt? Check out some tips and tricks for creating tidy blocks – they’ll keep your quilts looking clean and fresh!

If you have been quilting for a long time, you will know it is those little tips and tricks that you pick up along the way that end up making all the difference in the world on every single project for years and years to come! While there is no way for us to instantly transfer our years or knowledge in a single second, we can, over time, share all the tips we have and hopefully you’ll walk away a better quilter for it.

With that said, one of our favorites, Man Sew-er, Rob Appell, shows us how to get clean lines every time with these pointers. Now you don’t have to worry about spare threads peaking out the back or lopsided blocks that somehow got away from you…follow these tips (and feel free to check out others) and your quilts will be perfect every time!