These Resources Will Help Keep Kids’ Learning Through Coronavirus School Closures
Many online learning resources are free!
Coronavirus closures have changed our idea of what’s normal. Families are adjusting to so many things right now.
It can be overwhelming, but having the best resources possible at hand can help.
The good news is that many online learning resources are free. That ensures that kids have access to educational materials regardless of what individual school districts are putting in place. It also means socioeconomic status won’t stand in the way of a good education.
“There are tons of resources online that parents can use, and they don’t have to pay money,” says mom Jennifer Dennis.
Jennifer regularly homeschools her 11-year-old daughter, Sydney. Her knowledge of what to do is proving valuable for families who don’t know where to begin.
“During this time period, make it fun,” she suggests. “Try to incorporate a lesson in everything you do.”
“We are going to have school learning time from 9 to 12, and we are going to have free time the rest of the day,” Jennifer notes. “Figure out what works best for your family.”
Jennifer recommends Khan Academy and Great Schools for learning materials. She also recommends utilizing social media to keep in touch with other parents and share creative ideas.
“Take it one day at a time. Don’t stress about what your kids are forgetting or not forgetting or if you are doing it right,” she reminds parents. “There are people out there in the same boat as you.”
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