Everyone Who Owns a Sewing Machine NEEDS This!
This is going to make your life so much easier!
Have you ever found yourself feeling around for the sewing machine foot pedal only to have it keep inching further and further away from you as it slides around on the floor?
It is okay to admit it, as we know we can not be the only ones and that is where this project for a non-slip pad from Crafty Gemini Creates is just perfect, regardless of the flooring underneath your machine!
While we love this project for ourselves (and boy do we need it), so you better believe we will be making one for ourselves, this is also a great gift idea for your fellow quilting friends or for any sewing swaps you may be participating in.
We just know this project is going to be a game changer for you, not to mention the time you’ll save not chasing the pedal around the floor!
SKM: below-content placeholderWhizzco for CRH