You Can Get A Whole Bouquet Of Fabric Flowers Out Of One Recycled Shirt!
Two things we love at 24 Blocks: recycling, and flowers.
Two things that we absolutely love are recycling, and flowers. Seriously, how could you not?
Well, lucky for us (and anyone else like us in that regard), this project is the best of both worlds, as you will learn how to make an entire bouquet of fabric flowers out of, get this, just a recycled t-shrit!
These flowers are cute enough on their own, but they also make great embellishments to nearly any project (we are specifically thinking of putting one on a hat, a headband, or even our current quilting project).
Check out the following video tutorial from Margaret Meyer to see just how easy they are; it is honestly one of our favorite projects lately, so clean out that closet and give it a try for yourself. What a great way to keep flowers with you year-round!
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