Top 6 Plants To Keep Mosquitos Away This Year

See which plants will be most effective for your garden this year!


Garlic isn’t just for cooking anymore. One of the major compounds in garlic is allicin. This organosulfer is a powerful anti-biotic and ant-fungal, as well as a natural bug repelant. Unfortunately you can’t reap the benefits of allicin until you crush the garlic.


Lavender is gorgeous and smells amazing. Who wouldn’t want to grow this plant?! Lavender has many uses, one of which is a natural bug repelent. There are plenty of ways to use lavender as a repelant – soap, lotion, spray, oil, or even jsut keeping a few plants around the house in strategic places.


Peppermint is easy to maintain! Good thing too, because you’ll want to use these mint leaves for bug spray and mojitos this summer! We love the smell and taste of peppermint almost as much as the bugs hate it. Grow peppermint in a container to prevent unwanted spreading throughout the garden.