Use This Simple Trick To Get Perfect Mitered Corners Every Time!
This is a total game changer!
If you’ve ever done a project that calls for mitered corners (or if you just like the nice, clean look of mitered corners), then you know all too well the pain when they just don’t line up! For whatever reason – measuring mistake, sewing confusion, or the universe is just generally against you – it is so frustrating to get almost done with a huge quilting project only to have the finishing touches not be right!
We feel your pain. In the video below, we learn a really cool and easy trick for getting perfectly straight mitered corners that line up every time. Use this method for sewing projects like the placemat in the video, or for quilting projects!
Want some more easy quilting tips and tricks? Check out these 8 tips for first-time quilters, and troubleshooting tension problems in your sewing machine. Happy quilting, friends!
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