She Combines 3 Cheap End Tables From Walmart And Makes THIS Awesome Piece Of Furniture!
I can’t wait to make this for my house!
We’ve all probably picked up some cheap furniture from Walmart or another similar store. I, for one, furnished my entire apartment in college with thrift store finds, hand-me-downs, and a free couch I found on the side of the road. You could say I’m experienced in the art of finding inexpensive solutions to home decor.
That’s why I absolutely love this idea from Home Talk! I’m always looking for ways to make the most of my space, whether it’s in the kitchen, the living room, or the bathroom. This awesome idea works for every space in the house!
These tables are about $10 at Walmart, or you could always go to a thrift store and see what they have available. I’ve definitely seen a few of these at my local thrift store for about $5. Once you have your tables collected and assembled, it’s just a matter of gluing them together using the powerful E6000 glue!
To make a mobile kitchen island, simply take the top of one of the tables and add wheels to the bottom. Or, you can always just stick with a shelf! I love this for the bathroom as a way to store extra towels, toilet paper, magazines, and a candle. See how easy it is to get a cheap and adorable shelf by watching the video below!
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