How to Hand Quilt: 6 Resources for Beginners

How to Hand Quilt: 6 Resources for Beginners

For some, hand quilting can be a little bit intimidating – compared to machine quilting, it can take a lot more time and patience but can yield absolutely beautiful results. If you’d like to learn how to hand quilt, something you often see in older and antique quilts, we’ve gathered a few resources that’ll help you get started.

There are benefits to both hand and machine quilting, but you might want to know how to do both so your own projects can have a little variety. Check out some of the resources below, and remember that practice and patience are key!

  1. An experienced hand quilterWhen it comes to quilting, nothing beats learning from someone in person. See if a family member or friend knows how to hand quilt, or visit the local quilters guild to see if someone can show you the basics. It’s so helpful to have someone explain and show you things in person, especially because you can also ask questions and practice with their guidance, too.
  2. Hand Quilting Class on CraftsyCraftsy’s video demos are always super helpful, and this hand quilting class is no different. Featuring nine lessons, downloadable quilt design samples, and answers from the instructor in the virtual classroom, this class covers everything from needles and threads to fabrics and stitches. Past students say the class came with good explanations and a lot of great information.

    Click here to see the class.

  3. The Basics of Hand Quilting on CraftsyThis blog offers some fundamental pointers on hand stitching, as well as info on what supplies you’ll need along the way. The blog highlights a lot of important details when it comes to hand quilting, such as using small and even stitches along with even tension throughout the project.

    Click here to visit the website.

  4. Quiltmaking by Hand: Simple Stitches, Exquisite Quilts by Jinny BeyerIt’s nice to have a reference guide right by your side, and this book is perfect for both beginners and experienced quilters. There are tons of sharp photographs, easy-to-understand piecing instructions, and other topics (borders, making patterns, etc.). The book comes with ten quilting projects and is arranged by difficulty level, designed to start hand quilters with basic projects and gradually increase the skill level.

    Click here to see the book.

  5. Quilt Tips at Block CentralThis is a really interesting collection of advice from hand quilters, intended for beginners. It’s worth reading through all the comments, as people offer their secrets, which feature everything from guitar picks and lint sheets ñ for easier hand quilting. These little tricks are priceless!Click here to see the website.
  6. YouTubeAs always, YouTube is a great resource for videos and tutorials of all kinds. Click here to visit YouTube and see what comes up when searching “hand quilting” generally, or perform your own search for specific techniques. Either way, you’ll see there is a wealth of information out there.

Along with some time and dedication, these resources can definitely help aspiring hand quilters hone their skills.