This Quilt Is So Modern And Sleek!

This quilt is sure to catch your eye!

We love any and all classic quilt patterns, but every now and then something modern and hip comes through our sewing room and catches our eyes.

In the following tutorial from the Fat Quarter Shop, you will learn to make a quilt that does just that: the Fractal quilt!

While this quilt may look difficult (as Kimberly mentions, it uses Y-seams and has a lot of points), she offers some great tips that will help you make this quilt with ease, not frustration and anxiety!

You can get the free pattern here to follow along with as you watch the tutorial below, and before you know it, you will have your very own Fractal quilt. All we ask in return, is to be sure to send in photos of your finished masterpiece, because you know we absolutely love to see your quilts.