Scout Through the Shelves of Some of the World’s Most Amazing Libraries!

Despite the digital age of e-books and handheld readers, people still love to hold physical books in their hands, ruffle the pages back and forth, and smell the paper as they turn pages.

Trinity College

The long room at Trinity College in Dublin has been around since the 16th century. Since 1801, the building served as an archive of copyrighted works in Ireland the United Kingdom. Massive shelves filled with ancient tomes look impressive with a high ceiling and beautiful woodwork.

Royal Portuguese Reading Room

The Royal Portuguese Reading Room in Rio de Janeiro was built in the 19th century, but it looks like a Gothic-Renaissance style dating back to the time when Portuguese explorers discovered South America in the 16th century. The massive library looks like a cathedral inside, which seems appropriate for the rare collections housed within its walls.

The Weapon Of Mass Instruction

Argentinian artist Raul Lemesoff takes the idea of a Bookmobile a few steps further with his modified Tank Library. The tank holds about 900 books, and Lemesoff says his mission is to battle ignorance and spread knowledge throughout Buenos Aires. “I attack people in a very nice and fun way,” says the artist.