Bernat Kingsized Blanket

This must have taken you a long time, Lynn Willson! Thanks for sharing the amazing results.

Basket Weave Cowl

From the talented Betsy Foltman Wright: Made yesterday, worn today to church!

Double Sided Afghan

Crocheter Debora Andrews says this one is all for herself. Treat yourself, Debora!

Doggy Sweater

From the talented Tammy Sweetland: Did a rush order for my daughter-in-laws mom’s geriatric chihuahua.

Mermaid Tail

When asked about a link to the pattern, the talented crocheter Liz Stidham simply said, “I just made it up. 153 chain stitch. Shell stitch until you reach 24″ for child or 30″ for adult or longer. To taper in, switch to DC one row. Next row, DC 8 then DCTOG, repeat until end. Chrochet 5 rows of DC, then DC 7 then DCTOG, repeat. You’ll do this until you have a row of DC 4. Stitch sides together from bottom till knee. I hope this makes sense. Make tail and add on.” Thanks for sharing!!