Some of us say we like gardening, but this is some next level dedication! I use my apartment as an excuse for why I don’t garden more, but Summer just rolls with it. No space? No problem. She even converted a closet into a kitchen grow garden with all kinds of veggies and herbs and even a sweet potato plant! Now that’s love – sacrificing closet space in a New York apartment in order to grow more plants.

Did you know that plants have music preferences? Summer discovered several studies that had different music suggestions for plants. She plays them everything from classical to heavy metal! And that’s not all she does for her plants. Summer says she spends about $100 a month on soil, pots, and other supplies, as well as discovering new plants to add to the collection. Surprisingly, she says she only spends about 30 minutes a day taking care of the plants. Can you imagine how clean the air must be in her apartment?! Get the full tour below!