35 Common Grammar Confusions

Some of these are my greatest pet peeves!

29. Supposed To and Suppose

Supposed to is the correct form for “to be obligated to” or “presumed to”.

Suppose is to guess or make a conjecture.

30. Than and Then

Than is used with comparisons.

Then means at that time, or next.

31. Their, There, and They’re

Their is the possessive form of they.

There refers to place.

They’re is the contraction of they are.

32. Through, Threw, Thorough, Though, Thru

Through means finished; by means of; into or out of.

Threwis the past tense of throw.

Thorough means careful or complete.

Though means however or nevertheless.

Thru is the abbreviated slang for through.

33. To, Too, Two

To means toward.

Too means also, or excessively.

Two is a number.

34. Who and Whom

Who is used as a subject or as a subject complement.

Whom is used as an object.

35. Who, Which, That

Who refers to a person/s.

Which replaces a singular or plural thing/s; not used to refer to persons.

That is used to refer to things or a group or class of people.

List adapted from Grammar Check