35 Common Grammar Confusions

Some of these are my greatest pet peeves!

22. Your and You’re

Your is the possessive adjective. It shows possession, e.g. “This is not my pen, it is your pen.”

You’re is the contraction of “you are.”

23. Past and Passed

Past refers to time gone by; it also means beyond.

Passed is the past tense and past participle of “pass”.

24. Precede and Proceed

Precede means to come before.

Proceed is to move forward.

25. Principal and Principle

Principal means most important; or a person who has authority.

Principle is a general or fundamental truth.

26. Quote and Quotation

Quote means to cite.

Quotation is the act of citing.

27. Reluctant and Reticent

Reluctant means to hesitate or feel unwilling.

Reticent means to be reluctant to speak; to be reserved in manner.

28. Stationary and Stationery

Stationary means fixed or unmoving.

Stationery means writing materials.