10 Tips For Writing A Novel From Start To Finish

Whether this is your first, second, or fifty-third book, we’ve got a few helpful tips for anyone on the journey to completing a novel!

Using Filter Words In Your Editing Process

This is one of the best and easiest hacks to instantly improve writing to create stronger and tighter prose. I’ll definitely be adding this to my editing process! Basically, the idea of “filter words” is to keep a list of words in the back of your head, (or if you’re anything like me, you’ll need them typed up and hanging on the bulletin board), and eliminate them from your writing. There are some words that the reader doesn’t need – the context tells them enough. If you’re writing in first person, the reader never needs to read, “I saw…” the reader knows the narrator saw whatever it was, by the sheer fact that they are describing it. Get the full explanation and examples here!

Writing A Query Letter

This is it. You’ve spent months or even years pouring over your novel, developing characters, tweaking the plot, line editing, and the dreaded peer review process. And now you’re ready to send your book off into the real world to find an agent in hopes of getting pitched to a big time NYC publishing house. Where do you even begin? Many young writers have excellent books, but they lack the experience to write a good query letter that will get their foot in the door. Never fear! We’re here to help! Here are 5 expert tips from agents, publishers, and writers alike to make sure you give a great first impression and land an agent!