10 Daily Habits Of Successful People: How Does Your Routine Line Up?

What do you think of when you her the word, ‘Success?’ Or, rather, who do you think of? Chances are, they are doing these 10 things every day.

Schedule Screen Time – And Stick To It!

We’ve all been there: I’ll just check Facebook real quick, and then get right back to this really important thing that probably has a deadline coming up soon… 56 minutes, three articles, and two personality quizzes later, you finally snap awake from the internet coma you’ve been in. This problem is even more relevant with smart phones and watches. We’re so connected and available all the time for everyone and everything under the sun – but it can be too much, especially if you’re trying to focus on other things. This habit will look different for everyone. Maybe you really don’t watch that much TV, and you don’t even have a smart phone. In which case, it’s still good to be aware of your habits and assess if and how they are working for you. Chances are, you’re more like me: texting mom back on my smart phone while also playing Pokemon GO, tablet charging and loading a book to read, laptop open and half heartedly responding to an inbox of neglected emails, all while the TV drones on in the background. I could use less screens in my life. Since I work for an online publishing company I probably won’t limit my screen time, per se, but it would behoove me to limit checking social media and responding to unnecessary texts (sorry mom) to once every three hours.

Plan Out The Day, The Night Before

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. You might be thinking, “Hey, no one likes a wet blanket that has to stick to a plan and can’t be spontaneous.” You know who else no one likes? That person who always forgets where they’re supposed to be, and when, and shows up unprepared for meetings and appointments, and flakes on plans and commitments. Don’t be that person. Have a plan. On a more serious note, taking just 15 minutes the night before to review your schedule and your day for tomorrow can get your mind in the right place, and save time in the long run.