Shapren Dull Scissors


Scissors are one of the crafters most used tools. So, what do you do when your scissors start to get dull? Don’t throw them away, you can sharpen then quite easily! There are several methods for sharpening dull scissors. You can cut aluminum foil, sandpaper, or a metal brillow pad. No matter which method you use, you’ll be able to get those scissors in working order again soon!

Yarn Bowl


This one is for all of you knitters and crocheters out there! Sometimes yarn can be tricky to work with, which is why a lot of people have a yarn bowl. Unfortunately, these yarn bowls, while usefull, are extremely expensive! Instead, just take any old bowl you have and attach a binder clip to the rim. Feed your yarn through the eyes of the clip, and there you have it – your very own yarn bowl!