“Ugly” Decor We Actually Miss a Lot

Do any of these look familiar to you?

Nothing stays the same forever and the changing styles of decor we’ve all experienced are proof of that. While there’s nothing quite like a fresh new look for your home, there’s also something deeply comforting about those “out of date” fashions that we grew up with. Love them or hate them, here are 14 decor items that we miss even though some people call them “ugly.”

Via/ State Archives of Florida

14) “Loud” Curtains

Via/ Flickr

13) Old-fashioned Spring Rockers

Via/ Flickr

12) Chenille Bathmats


11) Canopy Beds

Via/ State Archives of Florida

10) Western Sofas and Chairs


9) Satin Bedspreads

Via/ State Archives of Florida

8) Tufted Victorian Furniture


Click “Next Page” to see the rest of these “ugly” home decor looks!