Get To Know Some Of Today’s Popular Diets

Knowing your personal needs will help you find the right meal program.


MIND is a fusion of the Mediterranean and DASH, focusing not so much on a regimented diet but really on lifestyle choices. MIND’s emphasis is on reducing inflammation and focuses on foods that promote brain health, with a meal plan that seeks to reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s. MIND looks at 10 brain-healthy foods: fresh veggies (including leafy greens), antioxidant-rich fruits, unsalted nuts, beans, whole grains, fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, lean poultry, olive oil, and red wine.

No foods are specifically eliminated but the goal is to reduce foods that cause inflammation in the body, so that means minimizing red meat, refined sugars, trans fats, and processed foods. Something unique to this meal plan is that it does not have a calorie count (although maintaining a healthy caloric intake is important to general wellness), but the big bonus here is that it is really more of a lifestyle than a diet. There is some wiggle room and it does not have to be strictly followed, but research does suggest that individuals who do follow the program will see greater benefits.