Simple And Fun To Make, Learn To Make These Crochet Coasters!
Simple And Fun To Make, Learn To Make These Crochet Coasters!
I had a nightmare the other night; it was terrible. I had party, lots of friends and family, good food and delicious drinks, everyone had a great time; sounds good so far, right? Well it was…at least until the following morning when I noticed all of these water rings all over my beautiful and expensive wooden furniture. I woke up in sweats. Dramatic? Maybe, but it was a dream and really, I think it was a foreshadow to an upcoming to party I have been busy planning and the reminder to make sure there are plenty of coasters and they are always within a guest’s eye sight!
Trisha from Craftigami shows us how to make these fun little coasters in the following tutorial. Since the pattern is fairly basic, get creative if you try it! We’d love to see your color combinations, or any different types of stitches you may have used! I’ll be making many of these before that party!
SKM: below-content placeholderWhizzco for CRH