Pretty Popsicle Recipes You (And Your Kids!) Will LOVE

Don’t miss these 10 of my absolutely favorite popsicles – they’re gorgeous, healthier than store-bought, and still delicious for kids and adults alike!

8. Avocado Coconut

Your favorite superfoods turned into a creamy frozen treat! Because they only have four ingredients, they’re so simple and quick to pull together when you find yourself with a sweet tooth.

9. Gummy Bears and Sprite

While they’re not quite as healthy as the other recipes in this list, these ice pops might be the most fun for the kids! It’s a fun, colorful, delicious experiment to get the kids involved in for a special occasion.

10. Strawberry Cheesecake

When you’re in the mood for cheesecake AND popsicles, you’re in luck! This fabulous recipe is a great summer indulgence for you get that hankering for something oh-so-creamy.

Have your own favorite popsicle recipe? Share with us in the comments!