Garden Prep Checklist
Set your garden up for success by completing this garden checklist!
Are you itching to get back out into the garden? We’re right there with you! Lucky for us, we know there is so much more to gardening than planting and harvesting; there’s a whole lot of prep work that goes into a smooth and successful growing season. May is the perfect month to get started on that prep work!
The video below gives us 15 things to get done in the month of may. We’re almost 1/2 way through the month – so you’ll have to get started today! There’s the standard weeding, pruning, and pulling back the mulch, but there are a few items we totally forgot about, and a few creative ideas we never would have thought of. For example, have you ever installed a bat house in your yard before? By inviting bats into your garden, you’re ensuring a (mostly) mosquito free yard all summer long. Amazing! See what other things should get done in May in order to set your garden up for success during the rest of the year. Happy spring, and happy gardening, friends!
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