Keep The Kids Entertained For Hours With This Easy, 2 Ingredient DIY!
Warning: you’ll want this stuff all to yourself!
Confession: I love snow. I love everything about it, from the biting cold air to the sparkling flakes; building snowmen and crushing it between my fingers. I even don’t mind the slush and ice it leaves behind. Yeah, I’m weird. And I miss it so much! Out here in Seattle, we don’t get much snow. So, I decided to make my own.
Sure, this stuff isn’t ice cold, but it makes a mean snowman. Plus, with just a little dash of glitter, I can still get that same sparkle and shine, just like the real stuff.
Our version of “snow” uses only two ingredients – baking soda and conditioner. That’s it! You can add glitter like we did for that extra special touch, but really all you need are the first two ingredients. The measurement is approximately 3 to 1 – three parts baking soda to one part conditioner. You may need to add more conditioner to get the right consistency.
The final product will be almost like kinetic sand – dense and able to hold a form, but still easily pliable. Trust us, the kiddos will love digging their hands into this project, and you will too!
SKM: below-content placeholderWhizzco for CRH