DIY: Lighted Holiday Snowman

I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for in stores… So I made my own!!

This is where it got a bit tricky. I had originally planned on using a large can, but that turned out to be too small. So with a piece of foam board and the top of an old blank CD case, all glued together and spray painted black, his hat was made. Once the paint had dried, I made the band out of the same burlap ribbon as his scarf and attached some holly berries and snow-sprinkled pine boughs from the floral department of my local craft store. Then I wrapped the lights around it and voila, he was complete.

Now I have the adorable snowman that I always wanted on my front porch to greet my friends and family when they come to visit for the holidays.

What fun Holiday decorations have you made this year?