7 Spite Houses That People Built Just for Revenge

Some of the owners never even lived in them!

1) Deadman’s Point McCobb Spite House

Built in Phippsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1825, this Federal-style building is over-the-top ornate. It was built by Thomas McCobb to be even grander than the home he grew up in, a house which he lost bitterly in a family dispute. The house, while not sprawling, is of the finest quality and the interior of the McCobb house was designed to be truly a beautiful home.

The McCobb spite house was moved by barge to Deadman’s Point in Rockport, Maine, in 1925 and enlarged to its current size. The house is now on the National Register of Historic Places.

Via/ Library of Congress
Via/ Library of Congress
Via/ Library of Congress
Via/ Library of Congress
Via/ Library of Congress
Via/ Library of Congress