Can You Guess What These 6 Items Were Used For? #5 Is a Doozy

If you think you can guess what these old timey objects are, then have a look.

This is a Victorian shop dispenser. These were manufactured for all kinds of goods sold in bulk, and came in different sizes. This one has the label insert of gunpowder, but it could have also been for sugar, candy, or another bulk commodity. The glass lets the customer see the quality of the goods for sale. One imagines that the picture of hunting dogs was added to the sliding door because this shopkeeper never intended to keep anything but gunpowder in it.

Think you know this next one?

Image taken at Seattle Antiques Market

5) This large wooden drum has a lid with handle and footed base. There is a crank on the side. Have you seen one of these before?

What is it? Click the next button to find the answer!