Five Ways To Write The Perfect Opening Line

When in doubt, go back to the basics, and learn all you can from the greats.

Be Funnier

Another tactic used to create the perfect opening line is humor. Jane Austin was well versed in the art of subtle wit: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife, (Pride & Prejudice).

Ah, Jane Austin. Sarcastic, romantic, and a feminist to boot. Truly a woman after my own heart. Try slipping some humor into your prose! You’ll be surprised at how easily people can relate to some simple sarcasm.

Be Clear

When in doubt, always choose clarity over complication. As we note here in Mellville’s Moby Dick: Call me Ishmael.

It really doesn’t get more clear than that. Sometimes the best way to push through is to get right down to the nitty gritty of what you’re trying to say, and keep the story moving forward.

What are your most helpful writing tips? Share with us in the comments below!