11. Taking captain of the house to a whole new level, this home is half home, half ship. Hey, at least they didn’t let the old ship go to waste!

12. The Casa Son Vida 1 is a modern take on villas located in Spain. Parts of the house resemble painted boxes and the statement stairwell leads right to the pool, redefining our traditional take on home structures and materials.

Via Wondrous Magazine

13. Maybe this is the iceberg Titanic ran into. We’d be shocked to see a home in the middle of a freezing cold iceberg. Seems risky, but these residents must have quite a view.

14. Mark and Valerie Sigler created this Pensacola Beach home to be hurricane resistant so renters could have the experience of staying in a one of a kind home without worrying about mother nature.

Via Odd Stuff

15. It’s “clear” that these Amsterdam homeowners don’t worry too much about privacy. Netherlands architects created the glass house to let in natural light and have a ton of open space.

Via Tréndir