12 Book Club Recommendations for 2017

What is your book club currently reading? Why did you choose this work?

Penguin Random House

The Princess Diarist, by Carrie Fisher is a collection of journal entries on Fisher’s experiences during the filming of Star Wars, and the role that would launch her into superstardom. Carrie Fisher is a legend, beloved for her role as a princess and a leader, but also for her honest, funny, and often self-deprecating approach to her life. (Nonfiction)

photo from Simon and Schuster

Eight Flavors: The Untold Story of American Cuisine, Sarah Lohman. Black pepper, vanilla, curry powder, garlic, MSG, chili powder, soy sauce, and Sriracha – these are the eight flavors that have dominated American cooking for over 200 years. Lohman is a gastronomic historian and has written a book that offers up a culinary history lesson, including recipes. A great book for any history loving foodie. (Nonfiction)

photo from MacMillan

Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things, by Jenny Lawson. The title pretty much says it all. What it doesn’t reveal, though, is the author’s battle with severe anxiety and depression, and taxidermy. In a combination of wit, candor, and humor, Lawson shares the method to her madness in a memoir that is brutally honest and brutally funny. (Nonfiction)