10 Strange But True Pain Remedies That Grandma Taught Us

Don’t reach for the Ibuprofen, do THIS instead!

Use Baking Soda On Splinters

Simply make a paste with baking soda and water, apply it to the area, and cover with a bandage. The baking soda helps to swell the skin and draw the splinter to the surface. After about 24 hours, the splinter should be sticking out enough to pull it out with tweezers.

Tension Headache? Put A Pencil In Your Mouth

When you’re stressed and anxious, you probably subconsously clench your jaw which often triggers a tension headache. If you put a pencil between your teeth and don’t bit, you automatically relax your jaw ease pain.

Apply Vicks VapoRub To Painful Zits

We’ve all been there – we go to bed with a clear face, ready for the family photo shoot the next day, only to wake up with a huge, nasty, painful zit that isn’t ready to pop. Luckily, we have a cure! Just put some Vics VapoRub on the area and within a few hours the pimple will either be gone alltogether, or it’ll come to a head and you can pop it.

Take Activated Charcoal For Food Poisoning Or Hangovers

Activated charcoal is the new miracle cure of the last few years. From face cleansers to toothpaste, is there anything activated charcoal can’t do? In this case, taking activated charcoal in pill form can really help with a nasty hangover or a bad case of food poisoning. The charcoal soaks up the toxins in your body leaving you feeling better, faster!