This Urban Patio Garden in New York is SO Beautiful!

This Urban Patio Garden in New York is SO Beautiful!

If you live in a city, then it is quite likely you have thought about having a garden at some point, only to decide it would be impossible given your space constraints. Now we understand where a concern like that comes from as we would likely also initially discount any opportunities for an outdoor garden, if all you had was a tiny patio space, but sometimes we come across stories that remind us to zip our lips and know nothing is ever impossible.

Thanks to the below video from SpacesTV, we are given a glimpse of urban gardening in Williamsburg, New York and we are sure this space is going to change any concern or doubts over having a lush garden within even the smallest of spacial concerns.

Do you have your own urban garden? Tell us about it in the comments below or take some pictures and share it with us!