Using Fat Quarters And A Metal Spring, She Sews This Incredible Organizer!

I’ve seen these in stores, but now I’ll just make my own!

Who doesn’t need more adorable ways to organize and decorate their home? I just love this idea for a pop-up fabric storage bin made from fat quarters. As you can see, there are quite a few ways to customize this project – fabrics, sizes, and everything in between!

Our friends over at Pacific Fabrics demonstrated how to make one of these pop-up organizers in the video below. I’ve seen similar products sell for $20 a piece or more, but in today’s tutorial, we see how to make our very own!

As you can tell, we had a lot of fun with these organizers! They are perfect for the DIYer and for those of us with kids running around the house. How is it that there always seem to be more toys than places to put the toys? Now you can keep the house clean, and add a splash of color to any room with these pop-up organizers!

We love using our organizers for yarn projects, blanket storage, and keeping the play room nice and tidy! What will you use your organizers for? Let us know in the comments below! And don’t forget to get the pattern below the video. Happy sewing and organizing, friends!