Soft and Comfy: How to Make a Crochet T-Shirt Yarn Rug

Repurpose Old T-shirts by Crafting This Crochet Rug

Who would not want a rug that is as soft and comfortable as a T-shirt? I know that I would, especially for all of the time that I spend standing in front of the sink washing dishes.

Now we can do so by following this crochet rug tutorial by Meladora’s Creations! This fun, round rug can be made by making T-shirt yarn using old, repurposed T-shirts, or you can choose to buy ready-made T-shirt yarn at your local craft store.

If you have trouble, Meladora also provides the written out pattern, while giving tips and addressing common problems on her website.

For more cute homemade rug ideas using old t-shirts, check out these T-shirt yarn doily rugs. Have extra t-shirt yarn from making this project? Check out another use for T-shirt yarn with this crochet bracelet tutorial.