He Chains Four, And By The End You’ll Want To Make This Project For Yourself!

If you’re a fan of the granny square, then you’ll love this project!

While I love crocheting a huge afghan row by row as much as the next person, sometimes it’s nice to work in more manageable sections. Enter: the granny square. Who doesn’t love a good granny square project? These kinds of projects are so portable (unlike big blankets or huge scarves), and you can whip up a dozen squares in an evening. Once you get the hang of the granny square pattern, you simply repeat x 20 (or however many squares your pattern calls for) and whip stitch them together. Add a border on your blanket, and you’re good to go!

Now, you can probably see why this granny “square” project is so unique… it’s made up of circles! By crocheting circles in different colors, and then adding a square border of all the same color, the square outline disappers into the pattern, and you’re left with these bright, bold circles! I just love how this blanket turned out!

To make the basic block, simply crochet in 5 rounds. The first three rounds are in the same color, and increase the stitch out each round. The fourth round is in a different color, and also increases stitches every other stitch. The fifth round is where the magic happens. We turn the circle pattern into a square. Go ahead and watch as Mikey from The Crochet Crowd teaches us the technique below!