5 Things to Make with Leftover Yarn Scraps

5 Things to Make with Leftover Yarn Scraps

With lots of crochet projects comes lots of leftover yarn — but what smaller things can you make with these extra scraps? You might not be able to make a big blanket or sweater, but there are lots of cute things you can craft!

We’ve found five free patterns that could be perfect for using up yarn scraps ñ simply click on the underlined text with each project to see the pattern. They are lots of fun!

  1. Coffee/Tea Mug Cozy
    Photo credit: All About Ami

    Super cute and easyto make, coffee cozies are a great use for yarn scraps and also double as creative homemade gifts, too. (Who wouldn’t love a mug or a coffee shop gift card that came with a colorful cozy?)You can pair them with big, bold buttons and have fun with the pattern, too. You can also customize these with different accents ñ rosettes, amigurumi, etc. We’ve seen some with little fabric tea bags sewn into the side, too!Click here for a pattern from All About Ami, which actually offers more of a step-by-step explanationwith helpful photos than a traditional crochet pattern. The blogeven shows how to crochet cozies for two different mug shapes.

  2. Jewelry
    Photo credit: Crochet Spot

    Necklaces, bracelets, rings, and earrings don’t call for a ton of yarn, and they are a super creative way to wear your art proudly. Simple circles, flowers, and rosettes all make creative centerpieces for crochet jewelry, though those aren’t the only possibilities.

    Click here for a pattern for some fun circle-shaped earrings ñ all you’ll need to finish the project are some earring hooks.

  3. Granny Square Purse
    Photo credit: Grandmother’s Pattern Book

    We’ve seen lots of purses and totes made using granny squares, and they look awesome! It’s a unique item to make and shows off your passion for crocheting, plus can be very versatile in terms of using up yarn. After all, not every granny square needs to be exactly the same in terms of yarn color.

    Click here to see a list of different granny square purse patterns from Grandmother’s Pattern Book, which has free patterns for all shapes and sizes of purse. Browse and see which one you like the best!

  4. Coasters or Potholders
    Photo credit: Makes and Takes

    Extra yarn is also great for making coasters or potholders, which can be made in all shapes and sizes ñ circles, squares, flowers, etc. These also make great gifts or are simply nice to have around the house.We’ve found an absolutely adorable free pattern for watermelon coasters, if you happen to have some extra red, green, and white yarn lying around. Click here for the pattern.

  5. Smartphone Case
    Photo credit: Stitch of Love

    There are so many creative patterns for smartphone cases out there ñ ones that resemble owls, foxes, cartoon characters, and much more. Since they are so small, a little bit of extra yarn can easily lead to a unique and personalized phone case. You can also consider making a cover for your tablet or laptop, too.

    Click here for a pattern that we really like, which uses a puff stitch, but remember that there are lots and lots of other patterns out there. You might even try to wing it and make something from your own design!

Lots of projects are possible with leftover yarn ñ headbands, scarves, gloves, candle holders, and even blankets that are lots of fun and different colors. You can even test out your own designs for some of these smaller items, too!