Custom Tote Bag

Isn’t this tote bag adorable? The method used to make those perfect circles is so easy and it can be used on any kind of fabric – a t-shirt, backpack, throw pillow, the list goes on and on. To achieve this look, simply cut up some colorful plastic straws. You’ll want to make sure each piece is roughly 1/4 of an inch in thickness. Then, place the little straw pieces in whatever pattern you desire and lay a piece of parchment paper over the entire thing. Finally, iron over the parchment paper to melt the straw pieces into circles. When you lift up the parchment paper, the melted plastic will stick to the fabric, but not the paper. Brilliant!

Easy Glitter Shirt

This project is similar to the last one in that it utilizes the iron as a way to quickly heat up and bond a material to a fabric. As with the last project, you can also use this technique on pretty much any fabric, whether it’s a shirt, a bag, or a pillow. Cut 1/4 inch wide sections of a hot glue stick with an X-Acto knife. Arrange the pieces on the fabric in whatever shape you want. Then, place a sheet of parchment paper over the surface and use the iron to melt the hot glue. Remove the paper and sprinkle glitter on the rounds of hot glue. Blow the excess glitter away and admire your new t-shirt!