Are You Choosing The Right Thread For Your Quilts?

Choosing the correct thread is so important!

As we all know quilting is all about the fabric, but people often forget that choosing the correct thread really is just as important!

When it comes to choosing that thread, there are many different things in which you need to consider, such as: the weight of the thread, what tension to use with each weight, etc…the list really could go on and on.

Thankfully, Mary from Quilty at Fons & Porter combed through many of the most common questions about thread and took them to Alex Veronelli, expert and resident thread master of Aurifl, to help get the answers all sorted out!

If you have questions about how to make sure you are choosing the correct thread for your project, then be sure to check out the video below, as we are sure you will find the answer you have been searching for!