The Ultimate C2C Afghan Guide

I’m ready to start a new project after watching this!

Have you ever crocheted a C2C Afghan before? C2C stands for “corner to corner,” and it is a method of crocheting in boxes made up of 4 double crochets. This is a very popular project on crochet hooks everywhere! I’ve always been too scared to try it out – C2C Afghans look so complicated! After watching this tutorial, however, I am ready to tackle this new project.

I love that C2C allows for so many different kinds of patterns! I have seen numerous graphghans with cartoon characters, words, and elaborate portraits. I don’t know if I’m ready for all of that yet, but I have to start somewhere! This tutorial explains how to read C2C graphs and even tells us about how to create our own graph for custom projects.

We learn how to switch colors, how to begin, and how to end. There is so much information packed into this video! It is a little long – about an hour in total, but it’s a great crash course for all things C2C. Go ahead, pour some coffee, sit back, and learn some new crochet techniques!