9 Surprising Health Benefits of Magnesium

Are you getting enough of this essential mineral?

6. Eases Chronic Pain- Studies show that magnesium could help reduce nerve pain, which could be huge for people with diabetes who suffer from neuropathy. Because it causes the muscles to relax, it’s also great for reducing muscle tension and soreness.

7. Maintains Heart Health- Magnesium is vital to the health of your muscles, and that includes your heart. Along with calcium, it helps promote healthy blood pressure levels. This is especially important for people with diabetes, as nearly 2 out 3 people with the condition have high blood pressure, or are currently taking blood pressure medication to help lower it.

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8. Helpful During Pregnancy- Magnesium is important to a baby’s nutrition in utero. It’s essential for growth and the development of healthy bones. It’s also believed to help prevent the uterus from contracting prematurely.

However, it’s important to make sure you’re getting the proper amount for your age (even once breastfeeding). As always, they’re can be negative side effects from getting too much.

9. Migraine and PMS Relief- Magnesium can facilitate the release of pain-relieving hormones, which come in handy while battling a migraine. Further, studies suggest that people with healthy magnesium levels experience migraines with less frequency.

The muscle-relaxing properties of magnesium have also proved to be beneficial in combatting many of the symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome, including cramps and breast tenderness.

Getting Your Daily Dose of Magnesium

Getting enough magnesium might not be as hard as you think, and considering the advantages, it’ll definitely be worth the effort! While daily supplements are an option, you can get too much of a good thing. It’s important to discuss supplements with your doctor before adding them to your daily routine. Additionally, if you’re eating the right foods, it’s possible to get enough magnesium without having to take supplements. So which foods are highest in magnesium?

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  • Leafy greens- kale, spinach, collard greens, swiss chard, turnip greens, mustard greens
  • Bananas
  • Nuts- almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, pine nuts, pecans
  • Seeds- pumpkin, flax, chia, sesame
  • Dark chocolate
  • Figs
  • Fish- mackerel, tuna, salmon, halibut
  • Whole grains- brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, oats, barley, millet, bulgur
  • Tofu
  • Avocados
  • Low-fat dairy- low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, kefir
  • Legumes- soybeans, black beans, lentils, chickpeas, kidney beans, peas
  • Signs of a magnesium deficiency