Avoid Having Another Case Of The Mondays With These Sunday Hacks

Monday doesn’t always have to be so hard. Read on to find out how prepping on Sunday afternoon can actually make Monday more bearable – and set a positive vibe for the rest of the week!

It’s six a.m. on a Monday morning, and your alarm just went off. What’s the first thing that pops into your head? If you’re anything like me, it’s probably an assortment of colorful words, followed by an assessment of which parts of your morning routine can be sacrificed at the alter of the snooze button. But wait. Did you know that life doesn’t have to be this hard? Read on to find out how prepping on Sunday afternoon can actually make Monday more bearable – and set a positive vibe for the rest of the week!

Plan Ahead.

Part of my biggest problem with Monday morning is figuring where I’m supposed to be, when I’m supposed to be there, and what the heck I should be wearing while doing whatever it is I need to get done. Forget about a healthy lunch, I’m lucky to remember to pack any food at all. The good news is, all of that prep work can be done at more relaxed pace on Sunday afternoon. Go ahead, pour a glass of wine and fill out your calendar for the week. This gives you a chance to review the itinerary for the week, and mentally plan accordingly. While you’re at it, check to see what the weather is like for the next 5 days, and plan out your outfits. This way you can throw in a load of laundry if need be.

You’ve got your plans and your clothes all prepped, now what about food? Take this time to get a meal plan in order. If you’re feeling really ambitious, throw together a crock pot meal to sit for the afternoon, and use the leftovers for an easy lunch. Check out this healthy chicken chili recipe!


Studies have shown that a cluttered space inhibits productivity. Having a messy room also contributes to stress. Don’t make a long day even longer – be proactive and fold the laundry, and vacuum your space so you can come home to a place of peace and rest at the end of the day. While you’re cleaning, go ahead and dump out your purse or work bag. No need to add more frustration in the week by getting goldfish cracker crumbs wedged in your laptop. (Am I the only one this happens to?)

Set The Mood

Avoid the “Monday is looming” mindset that tries to creep in and steal your Sunday afternoon joy by planning a fun dinner with friends or family. This will give you something to look forward to, as well as motivation to get all of the cleaning and planning done, as mentioned above.

Set the tone for your week by making an awesome playlist to wake up to. What song always puts a smile on your face? No judgement here, you gotta do you. Try setting an alarm for Sunday night about half an hour before you want to be in bed. It sounds childish, but sometimes we all need a reminder to switch out of weekend mode, and into beauty rest mode. Make sure you get your eight hours in to ensure a great start to your pre-planned Monday!

Ready to tackle Monday? Why not give your cubicle a fun makeover this week?