Get A Better Night’s Sleep With These Plants

Throw a few of these plants in a pot and keep them near your bed for a better night’s sleep!

Everyone knows how important a good night’s sleep is, and how frustrating it can be to miss out on that precious sleep! A lack of sleep is linked to all sorts of things from lowering your immune system to serious conditions like high blood pressure, heart disease, and even diabetes. There are a ton of studies out there showing how certain plants contribute to cleaner air, lower stress levels, and a healthier living space. So throw a few of these plants in a pot and keep them near your bed for a better night’s sleep!

Rubber Tree

This plant is great for several reasons; it’s low maintenance, prefers the shade (which is great for a bedroom plant), purifies the air, and has a gorgeous deep green leaf!

English Ivy

Ivy is notoriously easy to grow and take care of! Plus, it’s on the top of NASA’s list of air purifying plants. If you’re a fan of hanging plants, go ahead and give this one a shot!

Aloe Plant

You probably know all about the healing benefits found in aloe – from helping with sun burn to soothing cuts, but did you know that this plant acts as a great filter! The aloe leaves will start to show brown spots if the air has too high of a concentrate of cleaning chemicals. Amazing!


Not only does lavender smell wonderful and comforting, it has been shown to slow down heart rate and lower blood pressure. It also helps you fall asleep faster! These plants tend to like a lot of sun, so be sure you have a window to place you plant in!