Free Motion Quilting: Stippling 101

Get inspired to free motion quilt your next project!

Have you ever wondered about free motion quilting? In the video below, we learn how to stipple, or as the nice Australian lady in the video calls it, “meandering.” Watch as she effortlessly guides the fabric beneath the sewing machine, and creates a stunning pattern! As you’ll learn in the video, the key to meandering is to be sure and plan out your route, at least a few twists and turns ahead. You don’t want the stitches to cross, so be sure to maintain an idea of where you are what space you have left to fill in. You’ll also see that in this particular form of free motion quilting, you don’t need to turn quite as often. Go ahead and check out this video and get inspired to try something new!

Have you ever done free motion quilting? We’d love to see a photo of the final product in the comments below!